Meet the Doctor

  • Dr. Dillon Clark

    Doctorate of Chiropractic; B.S. Clinical Physiology; B.S. Exercise Science

    Dr. Clark attended Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward California where he received his Doctorate of Chiropractic. His undergraduate studies were done at Central Washington University where he earned a degree in Clinical Physiology as well as Exercise Science. He has been practicing at a successful clinic since 2018 before deciding to bring Atlas Orthogonal care to the people of Ellensburg.

    Dr. Clark grew up in Tumwater Washington. He has had a lifelong obsession with nutrition, exercise and optimizing health. Growing up he spent most of his time playing sports, particularly basketball, and lifting weights. In more recent years he has continued his participation in sports by training in jiu-jitsu.

    Dr. Clark is passionate about helping you take control of your health by providing the proper treatment options as well as empowering you with the knowledge and necessary resources to have a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle.


Spinal Decompression

A spinal decompression table uses computerized sensors to perform stretching actions on the spine to promote healing that is uniquely effective.

Atlas Orthogonal

A gentle and precise chiropractic method with no popping or cracking to help with various pain points in the body.

Auto Accident Injury

In many cases severe pain is not immediately felt after an auto accident but can creep up over time and be the cause of chronic pain, discomfort and mobility issues. Chiropractic care can help.