Spinal Decompression

Decompression therapy is applied with the goals of relieving pain and promoting an optimal healing environment for bulging, degenerating or herniated discs.

Spinal Decompression is Effective to Treat:

  • Back Pain

  • Pinched Nerves

  • Bulging, Prolapsed or Herniated Discs

  • Spinal Stenosis

  • Spinal Arthritis

  • Facet Syndrome

  • Degenerative Disc Disease

  • Spondylosis

  • Pain Radiating into Arms/Legs

  • Sciatica Nerve

Ask about our offers on spinal decompression sessions

Who Can Benefit from Spinal Decompression Therapy?

If you have lasting back pain and other related symptoms, Spinal Decompression Therapy not only significantly reduces back pain in many patients, but also enables the majority of patients to return to more active lifestyles.

Nonsurgical spinal decompression is non-invasive and works by gently stretching the spine, this changes the force and position of the spine, which takes pressure off the spinal discs, which are gel-like cushions between the bones in your spine, by creating a negative pressure in the disc.

All you have to do, is sit back and relax.

What Happens During a Visit?

A patient would lie on a motorized table, the lower half of which can move. A harness is placed around the hips and is attached to the lower table near the feet. The upper part of the table remains in a fixed position while the lower part, to with the patient is harnessed, slides back and forth to provide stretching of the spine. While on the decompression tale, the spin is stretched (lengthened) and relaxed (decompressed) intermittently in a controlled manner and tracked by a precise computer program.

Is It Effective?

Research has shown - YES. Nonsurgical decompression therapy is effective and in fact, most patients experience some type of pain relief and increased mobility within the first five to six treatments.